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Product Packaging

Product Packaging

RESELLERS shall sell PRODUCTS, denotes goods purchased from Mini Market Desa Rishah Sdn Bhd, in their original packaging. Relabelling, repackaging (including the separation of bundled PRODUCTS or the bundling of PRODUCTS), and other alterations to PRODUCTS or their packaging are not permitted.

Tampering with, defacing, or otherwise altering any serial number, barcode, batch or or other identifying information on PRODUCTS or their packaging is prohibited.

RESELLER may not remove, translate, or modify the contents of any label or literature on or accompanying the PRODUCTS, unless otherwise authorised by Mini Market Desa Rishah Sdn Bhd in writing. RESELLER shall not advertise, market, display, or demonstrate non-BRAND OWNER PRODUCTS together with the PRODUCTS in a manner that would create the impression that the non-BRAND OWNER PRODUCTS are made by, endorsed by, or associated with Mini Market Desa Rishah Sdn Bhd.

If we require that a product (including a Proprietary Product) be sold in a standardized container or special packaging (including a container or package), or be sold using certain display cases, equipment, or other related components (including bags or plastics), you may use only the standardized containers, packaging, display cases, equipment and other components that conform to the type, style and quality we specify and that bear any distinctive identification we may designate. You agree to properly account for these items as required by this Agreement and to carry all components designated by us as necessary for any Proprietary Product. You may use containers, packaging, display cases, equipment and related components designated for use in connection with designated Proprietary Products only in connection with the offer, sale or promotion of designated Proprietary Products, unless you obtain our prior written permission.


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